Rim lighting and realtime shadows for sprites in Unity (2D) – 2/2
This second part describes how the lighting is achieved, providing that contour when the sprites get close to a light source. Phew! It has been a while since I wrote the first entry of this topic in the blog. Maybe … Continued
Another way of aligning elements when creating icons
Icon creation is such an amusing and challenging skill. I can see some similarities to pixel art. It is both an art and a science. It usually benefits from simplification (“less is more” kind of approach), and definitely it has that … Continued
Managing key distribution and scams
This post tries to provide some insights about my experience working with key distributions for Trespassers during its Early Access stage on Steam. The game started with the minimum content, and some things that needed to be tested by the … Continued
Trespassers – Beta testing is over!
As I’m writing this post, the closed beta testing period is over, having thrown invaluable feedback from players. From errors (exceptions, mostly) and other hard-to-find bugs, to design suggestions, everything was valuable. Steam distribution Use Steam as soon as you … Continued
Rim lighting and realtime shadows for sprites in Unity (2D) – 1/2
Disclaimer: This is a reference for my future self, when he’d forgot how to get this working, and for everyone interested in learning about the process I followed. “Necessity is the mother of invention”. I had previously implemented fake realtime … Continued
Using LUT for balancing the whole frame
Some months ago we were showcasing Trespassers (more shameless self promotion… in our own webpage!) at FIMP ’16, a local event that, in its 4th installment has grown so much as it can be considered a reference in the local … Continued
Designing player’s in-game classic UI
Through these years I’ve learnt that UI design is one of the hardest, widest and, maybe for begginners, more underestimated tasks in a game. Why? UI shows information about things that player should or might want to know, but are difficult to express in … Continued
On showcasing your demo at events
(Warning: rather lengthy post ahead) Finally! We are back from Barcelona Games World, where we assisted as one of the 20 studios that are trying to get their way to Sony Spain’s Playstation Awards final (we will know soon, on October 19th), with … Continued
Gamelab 2016 & IDBA: Indie’s perspective
Finally, we have arrived from Gamelab 2016, that took place at Hospitalet de Llobregat, close to Barcelona, from 29th June to 1st July. The venue was, in our opinion, better suited for the event compared to 2015: bigger and more comfortable … Continued
FMOD v2 plugin error in Unity 5
When we started working on the audio in Trespassers, we were working with the built-in audio system in Unity3D. Our designer did not have control over it. He teleworks, so the workflow needed to be as smooth as possible, as he … Continued